

<div class="chameleon"></div>




Description Type Default Required
width The width of chameleon container String 968px N
height The height of chameleon container String 270px N
chameleonContext A JSON object or JSON file containing video player configuration and the slide info Object/String {} Y
numOfCarouselSlide Number of slides shown in the carousel Number 5 N
responsive Responsive web design with Bootstrap 3 Boolean false N
player The video player to play the video:html5,youtube,jwplayer String html5 Y
showMarkers Displaying markers or not Boolean false N
showCarousel Displaying carousel or not Boolean false N
showDownloadPanel Displaying download panel not Boolean false N


Description Type Required
jwplayerSetup JW Player options object Object Y
html5Setup HTML 5 Player options object Object Y
youtubeSetup Youtube Player options object Object Y
download Download Panel Object Y
slides Slides info Array N

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